Wearable Computers…

Introduction to wearable computers Simply put , its a technology that incorporate in things you wear on day to day basis and it could be anything from a smart watch, augmented reality glasses or even a personal health monitor in the form of a bracelet. The idea is that technology will increasingly become more part […]

Word Of The Day-3/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY   CATASTROPHE(Noun) Meaning: A sudden and widespread disaster. Any misfortune, mishap or failure;fiasco. A final event or conclusion, usually an unfortunate one; a disastrous end. Usage: The oil spill was an environmental catastrophe. The play was so poor our whole evening was a catastrophe. The tax would be a catastrophe for […]

Word Of The Day-2/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY HOAX(Noun) Meaning: An act that is meant to trick or deceive people. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means. Usage: The bomb threat is probably a hoax, but we should still evacuate the building. She was the victim of a cruel hoax. But no accident was discovered and […]

Word Of The Day-1/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY   PROCRASTINATE(Verb) Meaning: To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness. To postpone or delay needlessly. Usage: He procrastinated and missed the submission deadline. He did not want to write the letter and procrastinated for days. Most often we procrastinate when faced with something we do not […]

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