Word Of The Day-15/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY TWADDLE Meaning: Noun Silly, trivial, or pretentious talk or writing. Speech or writing that is silly or not true. Verb To talk or write (something) in a silly or pretentious way Usage: She dismissed the findings as utter twaddle. He dismissed the novel as self-indulgent twaddle. We don’t believe that twaddle […]

Word Of The Day- 16/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY OBLIVIOUS(Adjective) Meaning: Not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one. Lacking remembrance, memory, or mindful attention. Usage: She was oblivious of his admiration. The book was so engrossing that I was oblivious of everything around me. IDIOM/PHRASE OF THE DAY BACK TO SQUARE ONE Meaning: Back to the […]

Word Of The Day – 12/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY   BIZARRE(Adjective) Meaning: Very strange or unusual. Odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode. Usage: I just heard the most bizarre story. She wore a bizarre outfit for the party. We heard bizarre noises from the haunted cottage. IDIOM/PHRASE OF THE DAY BEAT AROUND THE BUSH Meaning: To delay or […]

Word Of The Day – 11/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY DIDACTIC(Adjective) Meaning: Designed or intended to teach people something. Inclined to teach or lecture others too much. Morally instructive. Usage: Her “novels for children” are certainly didactic, and they are certainly moral. While the professor’s lectures were designed to be didactic, they only served to confuse the students. Even though my […]

Word Of The Day-10/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY RIGOROUS(Adjective) Meaning: Extremely thorough and careful. Very strict and demanding. Usage: A rigorous inspection of your tax records has revealed the government owes you money. We built a rigorous drug validation program and brought new standards of quality to our field. We subjected the data to a rigorous analysis. IDIOM/PHRASE OF […]

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