Python 2: The End Of An Era

When the clock struck 12 on January 1st, 2020, along with the end of the year came the end of Python 2, marked on the Python clock. With the retirement of Python 2.7, it denotes the end of a bygone era. And what does this end denotes? The Python team will not upgrade or provide […]

Python vs R: The A.I Tool

We live in a fast-developing age of AI, ML and data science leaving is no time for long consideration on how and what to do. Programming can be compared to a game of chess. Learning the rules is relatively simple but becoming an expert is another story. For a large number of crowd, Artificial Intelligence, […]

An Introduction to Tensorflow with Python

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning are very popular and important in the world of technology. There are few libraries in Python to work with these fields. TensorFlow is a very popular open source library used for deep learning. TensorFlow can be controlled by a simple Python API     TensorFlow is an open source […]

Django Cookie Cutter

Wondering which is the best way to structure your Django project? The Django Cookie Cutter frameworks help one create a project with a great structure quite easily. The startproject command initializes the directory structure and required files for a standard Django project, which may be fine for learning Django, but not good to be used in production. This is where Cookiecutter exerts its power. The Cookiecutter takes care of a lot of standard tasks like installing the software dependencies, setting up testing files, and including organizing common libraries like Bootstrap and

Artificial Intelligence: The Python Way

Artificial Intelligence has built an entirely new world of opportunities for developers to explore. AI allows Google to complete the question you ask, or Netflix to know what shows you’ll want to see next. It is used extensively by companies in customer service to improve workflows and employee productivity while driving self-service. There are programming […]

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